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School Improvement Council (SIC)

What is a School Improvement Council:

A School Improvement Council (SIC) is a broad-based advisory body made up of a variety of members of the school community. SICs work with principals and other educators in meeting the identified needs of their schools and to continuously work toward excellence.


What do SICs do?

In South Carolina, state law calls for each K-12 public school to have a School Improvement Council to assist in the following efforts:

  • Provide input into the development of their school’s Five-Year Improvement Plan
  • Set annual goals to support successful implementation of the Five-Year Plan
  • Monitor and report on progress toward SIC and school goals
  • Write and publish the annual SIC Report to the Parents
  • Work with the principal in writing the narrative for the annual SC School Report Card SICs serve a vital role in the lives of their schools but do not have any of the powers or responsibilities reserved for local school boards.
School Improvement Council